Healthier You

Signature Online Nutrition Program

 Personalised 6 month program with daily support

Work 1:1 with The Nutrition Doctor

1:1 online consultations every 2-4 weeks so that you are guided through each step of the program and receive personalised advice and support.

Validated assessment methods

These assessments will identify your current health risks and evaluate your dietary intake.

Personalised lifestyle strategies

Using the results of your validated assessments, you will work closely with The Nutrition Doctor to develop a personalised lifestyle strategy for nutrition PLUS physical activity, stress management and sleep for a holistic approach to your health.

Identification of barriers to your health and strategies to overcome these

Common challenges such as eating out, work functions, sabotage and interference by friends and family, stress eating, confusion over what to eat for health and how to fit it all in when you are time poor are specifically targeted.


Fortnightly or monthly consultations for accountability.

Personalised mobile app for progress tracking

Exclusive access to your mobile app that is personalised with your unique goals and is used to track your progress.


Client portal with access to 300+ cheatsheets, templates and other resources based on current scientific research.