Expert Nutrition Services

Recipes and Meal Planning

Online Dietitian Consultations

Self-paced online nutrition programs

Medicare Care Plans

Nutrition training for health professionals

Breakfast seminars, Lunch and Learns, Keynote Speaking

Personalised Recipes and Meal Planning

Avoid the hastle of coming up with ideas for what to eat, now you can have access to personalised recipes and meal planning services with The Nutrition Doctor from wherever you are in Australia! Allergies? We have got your back! Foods you dislike the taste or texture of? We have got you covered!

Online Dietitian Consultations and Packages

Avoid the hastle of being stuck in traffic and finding parking, now you can have access to online dietitian and nutritionist consultations and packages with The Nutrition Doctor from wherever you are in Australia! Explore the consultations and packages available and have a sneak peak into the new services coming soon.

Medicare Care Plans

Do you have a referral from your GP? The Nutrition Doctor accepts valid Medicare Care Plans for dietetic services to support people living with a chronic health condition make changes to their diet.

Healthier You Signature Program

Looking for a high level of accountability, support and a comprehensive and personalised approach to your nutrition? Work 1:1 with The Nutrition Doctor to develop a personalised lifestyle strategy for nutrition PLUS physical activity, stress management and sleep for a holistic approach to your health, all with the convenience of online consultations from anywhere in Australia!

Self-Paced Nutrition Programs

The latest dietary research and guidelines have been converted into easy to understand resources and activities to empower you to make well-informed changes to your diet, through The Nutrition Doctor’s self-paced programs. Work through the materials at your own pace.

Nutrition Training for Health Professionals

The Nutrition Doctor collaborates with Professional Associations, Government bodies, Organisations and Businesses to develop and run webinars, workshops, and training events specifically designed for health professionals to use towards their ongoing professional development. Browse our nutrition training topics and reach out to discuss how we can support you today.

Corporate Health Services

The Nutrition Doctor improves employee health and well-being to foster a healthy workplace and bring tangible business benefits. Promoting the health and wellness of employees is important to ensuring a positive productive work environment. The workplace is an ideal setting for optimising physical, psychological and social health in order to combat the rise in chronic disease. This is crucial as employers bare many of the indirect costs associated with chronic disease and ill health. For example, there is both the cost of absenteeism and the cost of presenteeism (not fully functioning at work because of medical conditions). Health and wellness also directly and indirectly impacts injury. Risk factors such as obesity and alcohol are associated with increased workplace injury. The presence of chronic conditions also complicates and slows rehabilitation and recovery from injury, which increases workers compensation costs and there is less chance of achieving durable return to work. The Nutrition Doctor partners with businesses of every size to make health and wellness a part of every-day business activity.

The Nutrition Doctor can develop a tailored package to achieve specific objectives. We are well-positioned to create a motivated, happier and healthier workplace community.

Services offered include:

Staff wellness breakfast events, lunch and learns and keynote speaking events:

Browse our seminar/webinar topics

Individual services:

Health screening assessments and dietitian consults

Group services:

Weight loss, men's health, women's health

A review of menu options, ingredients and/or cooking methods with recommendations to promote a healthier food envrionment for staff.

Nutrition Consultancy

Food Industry

The Nutrition Doctor specialists are always on the look out for food products that are healthy and that they would consume, and promote to family, friends and clients.

Are you a food company wanting to improve the credibility of your company and nutritional quality of your products? By forming a partnership with The Nutrition Doctor you will receive advice and guidance during product development and improvement phases. The Nutrition Doctor will assess your product from an Accredited Practising Dietitian’s perspective, incorporating expertise on relevant nutrition and health issues in the community.

Gyms and community leisure centers

Are you looking for ways to increase your members’ enjoyment of your facilities, to generate new members through word of mouth, and to expand your advertising opportunities?

Are there common questions that your staff receive about nutrition from your members but you are not sure how to answer these or want to check your answers for accuracy?

Do you provide foods/supplements at your facility and want advice regarding what to provide?

Do your members ask for recommendations regarding who they could go to for nutrition advice?

Do you have members with complex health concerns such as diabetes, IBS or emotional eating?

What we offer (face-to-face or online):

Training for your staff

One-off or regular seminars with your clients

Individual consultations with your clients

Nutrition Content for your website (infographics, blogs)

Information packs for clients eg A Guide to Supplements, A Guide to Supporting Immunity, A Guide to Protein-Rich Meals

Live Facebook Q&A each month with your members

Advice regarding foods/supplements you provide

Contact The Nutrition Doctor to discuss your specific concerns and needs.

Sporting Clubs

Are you a coach interested in the nutrition and hydration needs of your athletes?

Do you need a sports supplements framework and protocol created for your sporting club?

Are your clients (and their families) interested in how nutrition can improve their sports performance?

Contact The Nutrition Doctor to discuss the specific interests of your sports club.


The school is an opportune setting to develop healthy eating knowledge, skills and behaviours. Lifestyle habits developed at this time, shape habits in adulthood. The school setting can promote healthy behaviours of children, families and school staff.

Services offered include:

Nutrition seminars and workshops for staff

Nutrition education sessions with parents

Canteen reviews

Food and fluid for kids playing sport eg tennis, netball, basketball, football, soccer, swimming

Contact The Nutrition Doctor to discuss the specific interests of your school.

Seminars, webinars and keynote speaking

The Nutrition Doctor brings knowledge, skill and passion to presenting and welcomes opportunities to engage your audience at conferences, workplace events and at education institutions. The Nutrition Doctor will deliver a themed nutrition presentation to suit any occasion.

Nutrition is a fun area with broad appeal to audiences interested in health, fitness and wellness. The Nutrition Doctor translates the latest research into easy to understand stories with plenty of audience interaction and helps the audience develop positive and practical dietary strategies to take away with them. The Nutrition Doctor has a natural ability to communicate and is noted for an accessible, absorbing and entertaining presentation style.  If you're looking to educate and entertain an audience, The Nutrition Doctor’s charm and expertise is the perfect solution.

Nutrition Content for the Media

The Nutrition Doctor welcomes enquiries from the media including articles for newspapers, online media or magazines.

Our expert dietitians are here to help.